Co je to ortodoxní marxismus?
György Lukács, edited and introduced by Ivan Landa (Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences)
Contradictions: A Journal for Critical Thought I, no. 1 (2017): 39–68
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Keywords: György Lukács, Marxism, methodology, dialectics, Czech intellectual history
We present here, in a Czech translation by Lubomír Sochor, György Lukács's celebrated essay "What Is Orthodox Marxism?" which is counted among the most significant methodological statements of so-called Western Marxism. Lukács answers the question posed in his title by arguing that the orthodoxy of Marxism is not contained in the specific content of its theses, which one must blindly accept, but rather in the dialectical method, which can be applied to changing reality. In an extended introduction, Ivan Landa presents the essay's central themes and discusses the history of its reception and translation in Czech intellectual circles.
doi for Ivan Landa's introduction, "György Lukács, otázka marxistické ortodoxie a český marxismus" [György Lukács, the question of orthodoxy, and Czech Marxism]: 10.46957/con.2017.1.4
doi for Lukács, "Co je ortodoxní marxismus?" [What is orthodox Marxism?]: 10.46957/con.2017.1.5
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