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Cesta do středu básně

Vratislav Effenberger, edited and introduced by Šimon Svěrák (Charles University, Prague)

Kontradikce. Časopis pro kritické myšlení II, č. 1 (2018): 117–145

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Keywords: Vratislav Effenberger, surrealism, structuralism, poetry, avant-garde, art and society

In his theoretical essay “Journey to the Center of the Poem,” Vratislav Effenberger engages with the semantic character and dynamic of the artistic work whose nature we could designate as irreal, irrational, or absurd. The text contains, in a nascent stage, many of the concepts that Effenberger was to develop into a more conceptually concrete and systematic form in his later theoretical works. In a relatively clear-cut manner, Effenberger outlines in the essay a perspective on the basis of which the author will later analyze psychological and psychosocial problematics, above all with regard to human imaginative activity (dreams, inspiration, artistic creation, and so on) and its functions. We present the text here in the original Czech, previously unpublished.

In his introductory study, Šimon Svěrák places Effenberger's text in the context of historic Czech debates regarding the relationship between aesthetics and society, and he interprets the text in light of Effenberger's broader system of thought.

doi for Šimon Svěrák's "K 'Cestě do středu básně' (Geneze polemické hodnoty imaginativního projevu u Vratislava Effenbergera)" ["On 'Journey to the Center of the Poem' (The Genesis of the Polemical Value of Imaginative Expression in the Work of Vratislav Effenberger"]): 10.46957/con.2018.1.7

doi for Vratislav Effenberger's "Cestě do středu básně" ["Journey to the Center of the Poem"]: 10.46957/con.2018.1.8

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